Universe VR



檔案大小:119.9 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 6.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


Universe VR(圖1)-速報App

Game description

It presents an important part of the solar system, the eight planets,

in addition, we also have the asteroid belt, Halley's Comet ...

in the game you can travel the entire solar system.

Universe VR(圖2)-速報App

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Greatest feature !!

you can take pictures in the game ,and see these pictures in the album of your real phone !!

And these pictures are very Quality, just use a little Photos combination, marked with the text , and it's good to

use in many works (website; Magazine ; Wallpapers..............ex)

Universe VR(圖3)-速報App

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Equipment requirements

  VR headset

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Universe VR(圖4)-速報App

     1. In the game, turning your head to change the field of vision.

     2. change the speed by blend your head (blend right = add speed; blend left = less speed; )

     3. quick shake (up down) your device --> take a photograph

Universe VR(圖5)-速報App